Only Mammal To Cool Its Body Below Zero Degrees
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
Image: Pexels
The only mammal that can cool its body below zero is the Arctic ground squirrel
Image: Pexels
During an eight-month hibernation, its core temperature falls to -2.9 degrees
Image: Pexels
It survives by "supercooling" itself, so that the water in its body is unable to form crystals around a nucleus and freeze solid
Image: Pexels
The Arctic ground squirrel is a large burrowing rodent with tawny brown fur, white flecks, and a short tail
Image: X/@AMNH
They hibernate for a long period (7-8 months) with a significantly lowered body temperature
Image: X/@DenaliNPS
Their bodies have a special mechanism to prevent ice crystal formation even below freezing temperatures
Image: X/@DenaliNPS
During hibernation, their brain activity slows down significantly
Image: X/@LouisGarcia12
Their neural connections temporarily disconnect to protect against damage from extreme cold
Image: X/@MarakColorArt