Pebbling: Penguins-Inspired Dating Trend

Image: X/@Baezantium

9 June 2024

Dating trends are always changing. With social media, dating apps and other mediums, it became easier to connect with more people

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Online dating has become the norm of new-age romance and catchy terms and phrases, like fizzling and masterdating, have taken internet by storm

Image: Unsplash

Pebbling, a new trend inspired by penguins is gaining popularity online and has made a lot of social media users happy

Image: X/@just_a_tree

It is a new term describing the act of giving small presents or making kind gestures for your partners to make their day brighter

Image: X/@nona_uppal

It draws inspiration from Gentoo penguins. When a penguin has a crush, they give pebbles to each other, which are used to build nests

Image: Unsplash

This signals that they are keen on becoming a mating partner

Image: Unsplash

In the case of humans, pebbling can take place in the form of memes, Instagram reels, social media posts or simple messages, to show affection

Image: Unsplash

Gen Z looks at memes as an additional form of interaction, frequently in addition to text messaging, and has been dubbed a "love language"

Image: Unsplash

However, if the pebbles- which include posts, videos, and memes-stop coming, there could be a problem or they might be ghosting you

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Image: X/@Baezantium