Products Killed By Google

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15 May 2024

Google has an incredible history of developing outstanding products and services

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However, not every concept was a hit. Many properties failed, were closed, or were integrated into other developments

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Here is a look at some products and initiatives that Google has discontinued throughout the years

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Orkut was a social network designed to help users meet new and old friends and maintain existing relationships. It was killed in 2014

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Google Allo, a mobile instant messaging service with features including an encrypted mode and virtual assistant, was killed 5 years ago

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Discontinued in 2019, Google+ was an internet-based social network. It was almost 8 years old

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Google Duo was discontinued in 2022. It was a video calling app that allowed people to call someone from their contact list

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Google Stadia, a cloud gaming service that combined a WiFi gaming controller and allowed users to broadcast games. It was discontinued more than a year ago

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Google Podcasts, a podcast hosting platform and Android podcast listening app, was discontinued around a month ago. It was about six years old

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