Rare Animals Found In India's Jim Corbett National Park

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Indian Leopard are fast felines who are super hard to spot due to their natural camouflage. There are over 700 leopards in the national park, according to reports

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The beautiful and majestic Bengal tiger is the most iconic animal of Jim Corbett Park. The reserve is said to have around 250 tigers, which is the most in a reserve

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In the rivers and streams of Jim Corbett National Park, the narrow-snouted crocodilian, Gharial is an endangered species

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Giant Asian elephants are also known to inhabit the dense forests of Corbett park

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A magnificent bird that glides across the forest canopy is the Great Hornbill. Its plumage is known to be vibrant

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Sloth Bears are creatures with a long white snout and huge claws

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Indian Python are giant reptiles that often appear near Corbett park's water sources

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Similar to the Grey Wolf, Golden Jackal is a cunning scavenger that hunts in packs

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