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5 March 2024

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Scientists in Germany have succeeded in producing highly durable a new type of matter that exists only at tiny atomic scales

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Called "time crystals", this is the most mind-bending concept in modern physics that challenges a fundamental law of nature

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Crystals are periodic arrangements of atoms over large length scales, which gives them their fascinating appearance

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Atoms of normal, everyday crystals are arranged in a repeating pattern in space

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But in case of time crystals, atoms are additionally arranged in a repeating pattern in time

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Time crystals are created similar through the use of super-cooled atoms and lasers

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In 2022, a study observed a continuous time crystal, but it only lasted for a few milliseconds

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Now, researchers from TU Dortmund University have created a time crystal that lasted for about 40 minutes

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The phenomenon was postulated by Nobel Prize laureate Frank Wilczek around 10 years ago

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The concept played a central role in Marvel Studios' movie 'Avengers: Endgame' (2019)

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