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A new study has claimed that shape of your face could influence people's perceptions of your wealth

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Rich people have narrow, friendly faces, according to a study of preconceptions

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In contrast, the study by researchers from University of Glasgow says the poor look glum and incompetent

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The research is based on snap judgements people make about each other

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It tries to answer what makes someone appear to be of a higher or lower social class

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Faces deemed 'rich' have smiley mouths, chiselled features, raised brows and rosy cheeks, said the research

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On the other hand, faces seen as 'poor' have lowered eyebrows, shorter chins, downturned mouths and darker skin tones

Image: Unsplash

The study also said 'rich' faces  trustworthy, warm and competent, while those deemed 'poor' are cold and inept

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Lead author Dr Thora Bjornsdottir said judgements based on appearance can have long-lasting consequences for people

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She also said that the stereotypes people hold bias their perceptions

Image: Pexels

Image: Unsplash

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