Shocking Story of Indian-American Teen's Murder That Has Inspired New Series

Image: Instagram/bourdie1979

Based on the horrific killing of Reena Virk, the television series 'Under the Bridge' stars Lily Gladstone as a police officer

Image: Instagram/underthebridgehulu

Reena Virk, an Indian-origin teen, was bullied because she struggled with fitting in and self-consciousness

Image: Instagram/afro_ronin

On November 14, 1997, Virk was the target of a horrific attack after being invited to a party by a gang of youngsters known as the Shoreline Six

Image: Instagram/cascadiacrimepod

She'd been abused and harassed several times before the situation culminated in her horrible death. Furthermore, one of the girls burned Vik's forehead with a cigarette

Image: Instagram/belle_roland

She was later taken beneath a bridge, where she was drowned

Image: Instagram/wickedandgrin

This death sparked national discussions about bullying and violence among teens in Canadian society

Image: Instagram/belle_roland

The Shoreline Six's conviction brought attention to the detrimental consequences of unchecked youth aggression

Image: Instagram/cascadiacrimepod

'Under the Bridge' highlights this tragic story with strong performances by Lily Gladstone and Vritika Gupta

Image: Instagram/underthebridgehulu

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