Side Effects Of Food Preservatives

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6 March 2024

Preservatives, common in various foods, raise health concerns due to potential long-term issues like asthma

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Two types of preservatives exist: natural (salt, sugar, and oil) and artificial (synthetic additives in processed foods)

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Natural preservatives have antioxidant properties, delaying food ageing, as seen in methods like curing and fermentation

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Artificial preservatives, labelled as additives, are found in products like ketchup and baked goods

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Harmful effects include triggering breathing issues, hyperactivity in children, and potential damage to heart tissues

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Some preservatives, like BHA and BHT, found in cereals and meats, may be cancer-causing

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Excessive preservative consumption, particularly in processed foods, can contribute to obesity and fatty acids

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Cutting preservatives is challenging but advisable for better health; focus on fresh, natural foods

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Recommendations include incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low-fat dairy into your diet

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Reading product labels is crucial to making informed choices and minimising preservative intake for your family

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