Side Effects Of Too Much Caffeine

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24 June 2024

If you are someone whose day starts and ends with coffee with many cups of your favourite hot beverage in between, you could be inviting a bunch of health troubles

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Here are a few side effects of too much caffeine 

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Anxiety: Although low-to-moderate doses of caffeine can increase alertness, larger amounts may lead to anxiety or edginess, as per Healthline

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Insomnia: Caffeine can help you stay awake during the day, but it may negatively impact your sleep quality and quantity

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Digestive issues: Although small to moderate amounts of coffee can improve gut motility, larger dosages may lead to digestive issues like acidity and irritable bowel syndrome 

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Muscle breakdown: You may develop rhabdomyolysis, or the breakdown of damaged muscle, after you ingest large amounts of caffeine

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Addiction: Going without caffeine for several hours may lead to psychological or physical withdrawal symptoms in those who consume large amounts on a daily basis

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High blood pressure: Caffeine seems to raise blood pressure when consumed at high doses or prior to exercise, as well as in people who rarely consume it

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Rapid heart rate: Large doses of caffeine may increase heart rate or rhythm in some people

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Fatigue: Although caffeine provides energy, it can indirectly lead to fatigue when its effects wear off

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Frequent urination and urgency: High caffeine intake has been linked to increased urinary frequency and urgency in several studies

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