Spiny Mice: They Escape Predators By Losing Skin

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African spiny mice are small to medium-sized rodents with spiny hair on their upper bodies

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African spiny mice escape predators by shedding patches of their skin

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When caught or bitten, the spiny mice can shed large patches of skin as a defense mechanism

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African spiny mice have stiff back hairs that act like a hedgehog's spines

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They can lose up to 60 per cent of their skin along their backs. Their skin is 20 times weaker than lab mice skin, but it heals quickly

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Spiny mice can regenerate their skin quickly, with new skin forming instead of scar tissue

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They can heal wounds so fast that they can completely cover a wound with new skin in three days

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African spiny mice are native to Africa and the Middle East. They live in rocky formations, cliff bases, and other terrain that offers shelter

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