Study Says Sleep Doesn't Give Brain A Deep Clean

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14 May 2024

It is widely believed that a good night's sleep helps brain relax as it washes out the toxins during this time

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But a new study suggests that this theory is wrong; it is based on analysis of fluid in the brains of mice

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Led by Prof Nick Franks from Imperial College London, the research has been published in the journal Nature Neuroscience

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It says there is indirect evidence that the brain's waste-removal system ramps up activity during sleep

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For the study, researchers used a fluorescent dye on the brains of mice

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This allowed them to see how quickly the dye moved from fluid-filled cavities to other brain regions

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The study showed that the clearance of the dye was reduced by about 30 per cent in sleeping mice

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The number went up to 50% in mice that were under anaesthetic, compared with mice that were kept awake

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The researchers predict that the findings will extend to humans as sleep is a core need shared by all mammals

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The findings have relevance for dementia research as recent evidence has linked Alzheimer's with poor sleep

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