The Axolotl: The Salamander That Never Grows Up

Image: Instagram/Axolotl Planet

2 July 2024

The axolotl is a neotenous salamander native to Mexico, linked to the Aztec god Xolotl

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Unlike most amphibians, axolotls retain juvenile features, such as gills, throughout their lives

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Axolotls are about 30cm long, with some reaching up to 45cm and weighing 300 grams

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These amphibians have six feathery gills that allow them to extract oxygen from the water

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Axolotls live only in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico City, in water temperatures below 20°C

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The axolotl population has declined due to pollution, urban expansion, and introduced freshwater fish

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The IUCN Red List classifies axolotls as critically endangered, with fewer than 36 per square kilometre

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Captive populations thrive globally in labs and as pets, popularized by Fortnite and Minecraft

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Habitat restoration is essential to save wild axolotls, focusing on improving water quality

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Restoring wetlands benefits both axolotls and agriculture, making it an attractive option for farmers

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Image: Reuters 

Image: Unsplash

Image: Instagram/Axolotl Planet