The Bird Known For Its Dive-Bombing Technique
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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The great skua is a large, dark brown seabird that is known for its aggressive behavior and pirating other seabirds
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Great skuas are about the same size as herring gulls, with a length of 53-58 cm and a wingspan of 125-140 cm
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Great skuas have a dark cap, thick bill, and broad, rounded wings
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Their backs are covered in rusty-yellow or yellow-white dappling, and their outer flight feathers have white bases
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Great skuas are known for stealing fish from other seabirds, such as gannets and gulls, and also prey on smaller birds like puffins
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They are also known to be very aggressive at their breeding grounds, dive-bombing anyone who gets close to their nests
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Great skuas breed on the moorlands of Scottish islands and Iceland, and can be seen around the coast during spring and autumn migration
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They make a harsh hah-hah-hah-hah sound, as well as various quacking and croaking notes
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