The Bird That Lays Luminous Eggs

By: EjazUlHaqBhat


Tinamous are ground-dwelling birds known for their striking, brightly coloured, and glossy eggs

Image: X/@luix_morais

These eggs are laid in the forest floor by the female, with the male taking sole responsibility for incubation and chick rearing

Image: X/@luix_morais

Tinamous resemble quails or partridges, with a chunky body, strong legs, and small heads

Image: X/@HourlySpecies

They inhabit a variety of habitats, from dense rainforests to grasslands, and are primarily ground-dwelling

Image: X/@HourlySpecies

Multiple females may lay eggs in the same nest, resulting in large clutches

Image: X/@HourlySpecies

Their eggs are known for their vibrant colours, including blue-green, chocolate brown, violet, and light pink, with a glossy sheen

Image: X/@inkliizii

Some theories suggest that the bright colours serve as a signal between females to locate nests, or to entice the male to incubate the eggs 

Image: X/@desert__varnish

The glossiness of the eggs is due to the nanostructure of the shell, not pigments

Image: X/@BirdNoteRadio

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