The Bird That Mimics Everything It Hears
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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The superb lyrebird is a ground-dwelling bird from southeastern Australia that can mimic almost any sound it hears
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Lyrebirds can mimic man-made sounds like car alarms, chainsaws, camera shutters, and baby cries
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Lyrebirds are large, brown birds with short, rounded wings, powerful legs, and black beaks, feet, and legs
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Adult male lyrebirds have elaborate tails that form the shape of a lyre when displayed
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Female and young male lyrebirds have long tails but lack the specialised feathers
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Lyrebirds are 31-39 inches long, including their tail, with males being slightly larger than females
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Male lyrebirds use their mimicry skills to attract females by singing the most complex song they can
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They can replicate the calls of over 20 different birds and sing like a chainsaw
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