The Book That Predicted Titanic Disaster

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19 April 2024

The Titanic, touted as unsinkable, met its tragic fate on April 15, 1912, after striking an iceberg. Over 1,500 lives were lost

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The ship's sinking sparked global outrage and led to significant improvements in maritime safety regulations

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But a book that came out 14 years before the tragedy seems to have predicted the disaster

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'Futility: The Wreck of the Titan' was written by Morgan Robertson, who had spent his younger years working on ships

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It had the story of the fictional Titan, the largest ocean liner in the world, widely known as "unsinkable"

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However, before the Titan could complete its journey, it hit an iceberg and subsequently capsized

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According to Time Magazine, the ships were almost exactly the same size - measuring 25 metres, or 82 feet

Image: AFP

Both sinkings happened in April, and both ships only had just above the legal minimum number of lifeboats

Image: X/@MeriaRmsTitanic

After the tragedy, Robertson and the story of the Titan became interwoven with the sinking of the Titanic

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The sinking of Titanic remains a poignant reminder of the hubris of humanity in the face of nature's forces

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Image: Unsplash