The Only Bird That Can Fly Backwards
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
Image: Pexels
Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards. They can also fly sideways, forwards, and upside down
Image: Pexels
Hummingbirds have a ball and socket joint in their wings that allows them to move their wings in a figure-8 pattern
Image: Pexels
This unique wing structure allows them to hover in one spot and fly backwards
Image: Pexels
Hummingbirds are acrobatic fliers, and are the smallest birds in the world
Image: Pexels
They can weigh between 2-20 grams, and can be 2.25-5 inches long with a wingspan of 3-5 inches
Image: Pexels
They are small birds with long bills, wings that look like sabers, and iridescent feathers
Image: Pexels
Hummingbirds are known for their unique flight abilities and fast metabolism
Image: Pexels
They feed and nest in a wide variety of terrestrial habitats, both temperate and tropical
Image: Pexels