The Only Male Animals That Give Birth
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
Image: Pexels
Seahorses and their close relatives, pipefish and sea dragons, are the only male animals that give birth
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The female seahorse deposits her eggs into the male's pouch. The male fertilises the eggs with his sperm
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The male incubates the eggs in his pouch for about 20 to 28 days, an gives birth to fully-formed seahorses.
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The male carries the babies in a pouch on the front of his tail, similar to a kangaroo's pouch. They grow placentas to incubate their young
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Before mating, both male and female seahorses perform a dance to impress each other. The dance may last for several days
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When the babies are fully developed, the male seahorse gives birth by contracting the muscles of his pouch to release the young into the water
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Pipefish are part of the seahorse family and are among the only species where the male incubates the eggs and gives birth
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Sea dragons are also among the few species where the male is responsible for pregnancy and giving birth
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