The Only Snake Species That Hunts In Packs

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Snakes aren't the most sociable when it comes to hunting prey. But there is an exception

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Cuban boas hunt bats as they fly through the narrow entrances of their roosting caves

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The snakes seek out positions where other snakes are already stationed

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This creates a 'fence' of predators that more effectively blocks the flightpaths of their quarry

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The boas are able to grab bats mid-air. The more snakes there are, the shorter it takes each one to grab a bat

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It's a pretty rudimentary form of group hunting, and there is no evidence of communication between individuals

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Research has found that snakes that team up enjoy triple the hunting success of those working alone

Image: Pexels

The Cuban boa is the largest native terrestrial predator on the island of Cuba

Image: Pexels

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