The Plant That Causes Rash When You Touched It

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@Sip_and_Tell

The poison ivy is a woody perennial plant that can cause red, itchy rash when it's touched

Image: X/@Sip_and_Tell

The poison ivy leaves are glossy green and have three leaflets that are egg-shaped with pointed tips

Image: X/@Sip_and_Tell

The leaves have prominent mid-veins that divide each leaflet into equal sides. In the fall, the leaves turn yellow to deep red

Image: X/@Sip_and_Tell

Its leaves vary greatly in shape, colour and texture. Some leaves have smooth edges, while others have a jagged, tooth-like appearance

Image: X/@OHStateParks

The poison ivy contains an oily resin or sap in all parts of the plant that can cause an allergic reaction in most people

Image: X/@OHStateParks

This rash typically develops within hours to a few days of exposure and can be accompanied by swelling and significant discomfort

Image: X/@OHStateParks

The rash itself is not contagious, but the oil can be transferred to other people or objects, causing a reaction if they touch it


The rash may appear in lines where the plant brushed against the skin, and can vary from mild irritation to severe blistering depending on the level of exposure


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