The World's Only 'Vegetarian' Spider

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

There are around 45,000 spiders in the world and all are obligate carnivores, more or less

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But there is an exception. This spider that goes by the wonderful scientific name of Bagheera kiplingi is 'vegetarian'

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The spider is a Central American member of the most charismatic family of spiders - the jumping spiders, also known as Salticidae

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These are hunting spiders - instead of making a silken snare to catch their prey, they chase it down and pounce on it

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Bagheera kiplingi looks very much like any other jumping spider and shares the same skillset

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It lives on a particular kind of acacia plant that produces neat little packages called Beltian bodies on the tips of its leaflets

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Accounting for around 90 per cent of the spider's diet, these tiny bundles of protein and fat represent a complete meal

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The spider eats mostly acacia Beltian bodies, which are mini-vegetables found on acacia shrubs

Image: Pexels

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