There's Enough Gold Inside Earth To Coat The Planet
Image: Unsplash
8 May 2024
According to Discover Magazine, Earth's gold is concentrated in its core. The planet holds enough gold to cover its surface with a 1.5-foot-thick layer
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Over 99% of gold sank to the core during Earth's formation process
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The formation of the earth caused a concentration of gold within its core
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Later, meteorites enriched Earth's surface with deposited gold
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Geologist Bernard Wood estimated 1.6 quadrillion metric tonnes of gold in core
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Gold in the core comprises only about one part per million
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Core holds six times more platinum compared to gold
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Gold would be scarcer and more expensive without meteorite enrichments
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An enormous amount of gold lies 1,800 miles below Earth's surface
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These reserves endure extreme temperatures, existing as molten metal deep underground