These 5 Dog Breeds Come With Major Health Risks

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18 Sept 2024

British veterinarian Alex Crow warns against owning certain dog breeds due to common health issues

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According to Mr Crow, Shar Pei's wrinkly skin can lead to skin infections and ear problems

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Flat-faced dogs like French Bulldogs and Pugs suffer from breathing difficulties and other health issues

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Mr Crow believes German Shepherds require a specific lifestyle and can develop anxiety and behavioral problems without it

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Great Danes are prone to a heart condition and have a shorter lifespan due to their large size

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Dachshunds have a body shape that predisposes them to back problems and other health issues

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Mr Crow emphasizes that irresponsible breeding practices contribute to these health problems

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He calls for more education and regulations to prevent these issues from continuing

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Mr Crow acknowledges that there are variations within all breeds, but he sees the worst in these particular breeds

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He urges potential dog owners to consider these health concerns before choosing a breed

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