This Bird's Call Signals Arrival Of Snow In Kashmir

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@sssaaagar

The streaked laughingthrush, also known as "Shin Pipin" in Kashmiri, is a significant figure in Kashmiri folklore

Image: X/@SalmanAhmedB

The streaked laughingthrush is orangey-brown with fine streaks all over its body

Image: X/@bhaveshnr

The bird features a distinctive rufous ear patch, and is known for its melodious, whistling song 

Image: X/@HanzalBasharat

It breeds at middle to upper elevations, but sometimes descends in the winter

Image: X/@dkpattanayak

It's often found around human habitation, as well as in forest edge and scrubby or bushy areas

Image: X/@ShwetalB

It has olive-brown wing feathers, grey-tipped olive-brown tail, and fine dark streaking on the crown and nape

Image: X/@anuradhamathur

According to legend, "Shin Pipin" is a harbinger of winter and is famous for its melodic singing call

Image: X/@rrRumbo

The name Pipin, means "whistle," and in Kashmiri folklore its unique call is believed to announce the arrival of snow in Kashmir

Image: X/@nerdy_traveller

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