This Feline Is A Skilled Swimmer And Can Run At 30mph

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

The bobcat is a skilled swimmer and can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour in short bursts

Image: Pexels

While they prefer to hunt on land, bobcats are capable swimmers and can use water to escape predators or access prey

Image: Pexels

They can reach speeds of up to 30 mph in short sprints to chase prey or evade danger

Image: Pexels

Bobcats are known for their stealthy stalking behavior and quick bursts of speed when attacking

Image: Pexels

They are medium-sized wildcats and can weigh up to 14kg. They have short, dense fur that is a tawny brown interspersed with black lines and spots

Image: Pexels

On the end of their long legs are large, furry paws, and each one has five hooked claws

Image: Pexels

They are efficient hunters, with four large canine teeth to pierce deeply into prey

Image: Pexels

Bobcats are nocturnal carnivores that roam throughout much of North America and are rarely seen

Image: Pexels

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