This Italian Town Uses Giant Mirror For Sunlight

Image: x/@historyinmemes

3 May 2024

Viganella, a small village nestled in an Italian valley near the Swiss border, grapples with a unique challenge: prolonged darkness for three months each year

Image: x/@historyinmemes

Faced with a dwindling population due to the lack of sunlight, Mayor Franco Midali proposed an innovative solution in 1999: a giant mirror to reflect sunlight into the town square

Image: x/@nina_pascu

Architect Giacomo Bonzani, alongside engineer Gianni Ferrari, crafted an 8-meter-wide, 5-meter-tall mirror, which was installed in 2006

Image: Instagram/@blog_chudes

Programmed to track the sun's trajectory, the mirror beams sunlight into the square for six hours a day

Image: Instagram/@giulio.venezia55_art_director

Even though it is not as intense as direct sunlight, the reflected light offers warmth and illumination to homes and the town square 

Image: Instagram/@thenestmilan

The mirror is only used during the winter months and remains covered for the rest of the year

Image: Instagram/@raw_mango

This groundbreaking project, aimed at fostering socialization during the dark winter months, has not only brought practical benefits but also garnered international attention

Image: Instagram/@dino.palumbo

Silvia Camporesi, a multimedia artist, visited Viganella in 2020 and documented the mirror's impact, emphasizing its human-centric approach

Image: Instagram/@donatellaralda

Viganella's success has also inspired similar initiatives such as the installation of a mirror in Rjukan, Norway, in 2013

Image: x/@BertAW_Russell

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Image: Reuters 

Image: Unsplash

Image: x/@historyinmemes