This Strange Ocean Creature Disguises As Moonbeam

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@NatureHIPal

In the shallow, sandy coastal waters of Hawaii lives an intriguing animal that mesmerises everyone

Image: X/@WorldOceansDay

It is as small as a golf ball but has intriguing qualities that keeps it safe from much larger predators

Image: X/@SarahMackAttack

The animal in question is the Hawaiian bobtail squid that can disguise itself as a moonbeam to avoid predators

Image: X/@oceana

This colourful marine animal can also eject ink as another layer of protection against predators

Image: X/@oceana

It has large paddle-shaped fins that help it swim. It also has large eyes and tentacle 

Image: X/@oceana

It has a light organ in its mantle that contains bioluminescent bacteria called Vibrio fischeri. The mantle sensors measure the moonlight's intensity

Image: X/@sara_thiebaud

The squid's light organ projects a beam that matches the brightness of the moonlight

Image: X/@atlasobscura

The predator sees a single unbroken moonbeam instead of the squid 

Image: X/@oceana

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