Top 10 Countries For Gender Equality

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25 June 2024

The World Economic Forum recently issued the Global Gender Gap Index to review gender-based disparities around the world

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The gender gap closed at 68.5 per cent in 2024, a slight 0.1 percentage point improvement from the previous year 

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As per the report, it would take 134 years (till 2158) to reach full gender parity

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Even though no country has achieved full gender parity yet, 10 countries have significantly closed the gender gap

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Iceland remains at the top, having closed 93.4 per cent of its gender gap, leading the index for over a decade 

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Other Nordic countries, such as Finland and Norway take the second and third spot respectively

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At the fourth spot is New Zealand that has closed 83.5 of its gender gap, while Sweden (81.6) is at the fifth position

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Nicaragua (81.1), and Germany (81) take the sixth and seventh positions respectively

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The remaining top 3 countries for Gender Gap Index are Namibia in the eight place, Ireland in ninth, and Spain in tenth

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Meanwhile, India has closed only 64.1 per cent of its gender gap in 2024, resulting in an overall rank of 129th

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