Top 5 Countries With The Cleanest Air

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10 September 2024

Air Pollution is the leading environment threat to human health

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According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), air pollution contributes to about 7 million premature deaths annually

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WHO says that exposure to PM2.5 air pollution is associated with a range of health issues, including asthma, cancer, stroke, and lung disease

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A global update on “The Air We Breathe” by the World Population Review ranks the countries with the cleanest air and lowest emissions

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The report, based on the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), considers among other factors CO2, methane, greenhouse emissions, and more

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European country, Estonia, topped the list with the highest EPI of 75.3

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Luxembourg took the second spot with 75 EPI

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Germany stood at number three with 74.6 EPI

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Finland was ranked number four on the list with 73.7 EPI

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The United Kingdom took the fifth spot with 72.7 EPI

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