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Top 5 Myths And Urban Legends 

19 March 2024

From monolith mystery to Yetis in the Himalayas, here's a list of the world's biggest mysteries that still manage to captivate us 

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Bermuda Triangle is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean in which ships, planes and people are alleged to have mysteriously vanished

Image: Unsplash

Several theories have cropped up. While some speculate that mysterious forces account for unexplained disappearances, others blame magnetic anomalies, as per NOAA

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Yeti is believed to be an "abominable snowman", which has appeared in folktales and popular stories

Image: Unsplash

Over the years, there have been stories about spotting of Yeti, its footprints, its hair etc, but no credible images of Yeti have surfaced so far 

Image: Unsplash

The Lochness monster is a popular sea monster known to live in the depths of Loch Ness in Scotland 

Image: Nessie - the loch ness monster/Facebook

While some believe that the monster might be a survivor of the dinosaur family, others believe it's a cryptic beast dwelling in the depths of the ocean 

Image: Pixabay

The “lost” city of Atlantis has captivated many for generations. Evidence of Atlantis being a real place can be found in Plato's writings

Image: Pixabay

However, there is no evidence from any source that the legends about Atlantis existed before Plato wrote about it 

Image: x/@Agent__O

A string of gigantic monoliths have appeared across the world in recent years, becoming the subject of intense public curiosity and speculation

Theories about their origins ranged from a marketing ploy to extraterrestrials

Image credit: iStock

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