Top 8 Brightest Objects In Our Solar System
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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The sun, no doubt, is the brightest object in our planetary system. Its immense light illuminates all other objects in the solar system
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There's nothing more beautiful than a bright moon shining in a dark night sky, making it the second brightest object in our solar system
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The Venus is the closest planet to Earth, one step inward in orbit around the sun. It's sky's brightest planet and 3rd brightest object
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The red planet Mars is the 2nd closest to Earth, after Venus, typically ranking as the fourth brightest object visible from Earth
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Because Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It's the 3rd-brightest planet and 5th brightest solar system object
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The rarely-seen planet Mercury shines more brightly than Saturn at its best. It's the 6th brightest natural solar system object in our night sky
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The Saturn typically ranks as the 7th brightest object,. It is visible to the naked eye and can be seen as a prominent celestial body in the night sky
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The Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, is relatively bright in contrast to most moons of the outer planets, or to the million tiny bodies that orbit our sun
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