Types Of Snake Venom

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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Snake venom can be categorised into three major types: neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic

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These venoms impact specific regions and functions of the target's body

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Neurotoxic venom harms the brain and nervous system and can be delivered without causing much pain

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Most people do not even realise they have been bitten until the symptoms start to kick in

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The Black Mamba's venom is neurotoxic and is considered the deadliest snake venom

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Hemotoxic venom disrupts blood clotting, thereby impacting the cardiovascular system

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It also causes the degeneration of organs, tissue damage throughout the body and massive internal bleeding

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Cytotoxic venom causes severe pain by impairing the tissues on a molecular level, leading to cell death

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A fourth kind of venom exists in sea snakes and is known as myotoxic. It leads to severe and instant muscular paralysis

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