UAE Launches New 10-Year Blue Residency Visa

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16 May 2024

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on May 15 announced a new long-term residency visa

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Known as the blue visa, it will grant a 10-year residency to people who have made exceptional efforts in protecting the environment

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The visa recognises individuals' outstanding efforts in various environmental sectors, such as marine life, land ecosystems, air quality and sustainability tech

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The new visa was announced by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai during a cabinet meeting

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The blue visa aligns with the country's long-term goals of making the UAE more sustainable

Image: X/@HHShkMohd

It will be granted to supporters of environmental action in the UAE. Distinguished activists and researchers in environmental work are also eligible

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If you fit into any of the categories above, you can apply for a blue visa directly through the services of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security

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You can also be nominated and recommended by competent authorities in the state

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The UAE already grants 10-year golden visas, to eligible investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, outstanding students and graduates

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A number of other initiatives, such as the green and remote working visas, have also been issued in recent years

Image: Abu Dhabi Residents Office

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