Unusual Sleeping Habits Of Animals

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Perched upside down on tree branches, sloths can sleep for as long as twenty hours per day

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Giraffes sleep for short periods of time while keeping a wary eye out for potential predators

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Ducks sleep with one eye open in groups, with members guarding the perimeter while the others sleep

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Usually found hanging upside-down in caverns or trees, bats only sleep briefly and are always prepared to take off

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Elephants sleep for only a few hours a day, standing or lying down, frequently using their trunks as a cushion

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Taking short, power naps, some ants in their complex colonies sleep while others labor nonstop for many minutes at a time

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Known for their ability to curl up into a ball, armadillos protect themselves from potential predators by dozing off deeply in this position

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By sleeping in unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, dolphins are able to partially awaken while swimming by allowing one hemisphere of their brain to rest at a time

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