Unveiling The Reasons Women Outlive Men

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13 June 2024

Scientists in Japan have discovered that cells developing into eggs and sperm influence lifespan differences

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Experiments on killifish showed removing these cells equalized lifespan between males and females

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This research may help understand ageing control in humans, as killifish age similarly to humans

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Women live about 5% longer than men globally, influenced by various factors

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Male and female life expectancy gaps vary significantly across different countries, influenced by lifestyle factors

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Removing germ cells in killifish extended male lifespan but shortened female lifespan unexpectedly

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Hormonal changes from blocking germ cells affected females' tissue health and cardiovascular risk

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Male killifish produced more vitamin D, improving bone, muscle, and skin health

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Giving killifish vitamin D increased male lifespan by 21% and female lifespan by 7%

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A study of Korean eunuchs suggested castration might extend men's lifespan significantly compared to non-castrated men

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