Venus Flytrap: Plant That Snares Animal Prey
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
Image: Pexels
The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant that uses its hinged leaves to trap and eat insects and spiders
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The plant attracts prey with its fruity smell and reddish colour
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When an insect touches the plant's sensitive hairs, the trap snaps shut
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It has small bristles that interlock when the trap shuts, to prevent prey from escaping
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The plant estimates the size of its prey by counting how many times the hairs are touched
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If the plant is touched five or more times, it produces enzymes to digest the prey
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The plant secretes a digestive fluid that helps it absorb nutrients from the trapped insect
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The plant is native to North and South Carolina and grows in moist, acidic, nutrient-poor soils
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