Weird Facts About The Solar System

Image: NASA

20 March 2024

Space is vast. It does not consist of just the Sun and the planets but has so much more to it

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Here are some unusual and weird facts about our solar system

Image: Pexels

A trip around the Sun would take 100 times longer than the trip around the Earth

Image: NASA

Scientists have sent spacecrafts to all the planets in our solar system including two dwarf planets- Pluto and Ceres

Image: Pexels

Jupiter's Moon, Jovian, has hundreds of volcanoes. It is considered the most active moon in the solar system

Image: NASA

The biggest volcano in our solar system, Olympus Mons, on Mars is 100 times larger than Earth's largest volcano in Hawaii

Image: NASA

Neptune is extremely hot. It radiates far more heat than it takes despite being roughly 30 times as far from the sun as Earth

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Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune don't have solid surfaces. Even though they have a rocky core, they are mainly composed of hydrogen and helium

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Mars is as cold as the South Pole with average temperature of minus 60 degrees

Image: NASA

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Image: NASA