What Are "Boomer Ellipses" In Texting?

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9 July 2024

A lot of things change as generations change, including fashion choices, eating habits, dating styles, mediums of communication and entertainment

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As the older generation tries to adapt, some may become confused by this at times

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One such trend is "Boomer Ellipses" which the new generation is trying to understand

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Gen Z internet users have reported that they witness older individuals, or more precisely "boomers"- those born between 1946 and 1964, using ellipses excessively

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However, these don't sit well with Gen Z. Ellipses are seen by younger people as a sign of hesitancy or passive aggression. This application of ellipses is known as "boomer ellipses"

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Adam Aleksic, a "linguistics influencer" on Instagram recently attempted to theorise why Gen Z doesn't use ellipses but boomers do

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Ellipses technically imply a pause that something has been purposefully omitted according to punctuation rules

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However, when it comes to text-based electronic communication, its use frequently varies

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"It's because they (boomers) grew up following different rules for informal communication. Now, if you want to separate an idea, you just press enter and start a new line," he said

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He added that with the rise of unlimited texting spacing between lines became the new grammatical standard online, which made boomer ellipses redundant

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