What Is A Panic Attack?

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19 May 2024

A panic attack is an episode of extreme anxiety, which causes the physical sensations of fear

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It can include tense muscles, lightheadedness, shaking, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath

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A panic attack may last anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour. The attack's psychological and physiological impacts, however, might not go away for a few hours

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It may feel like you are having a heart attack, as some symptoms can be similar. However, panic attacks are not life-threatening

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The chest pain of a panic attack usually stays in the mid-chest area and the pain of a heart attack commonly moves toward the left arm or jaw, as per WebMD

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Symptoms of panic attack also include nausea, chills or hot flashes, tingling or numb hands, feet, arms or legs

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The body's "fight or flight" response is behind these intense physical symptoms. The bloodstream is overflowed with adrenaline, which puts your body on high alert

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The heartbeat quickens, directing more blood to your muscles. Breathing gets faster, allowing you to take in more oxygen and your senses get sharper

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Psychotherapy, medications or a combination of both are effective in treating panic attacks. The treatment also depends on the severity of the condition

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