What Is Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms And Causes

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings

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These include emotional highs, also known as mania or hypomania, and lows, also known as depression. Hypomania is less extreme than mania

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Symptoms of manic episodes feeling very happy, excited, or jumpy, having a lot of energy, feeling restless, or not needing much sleep

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Depressive episodes symptoms include feeling slowed down or restless, trouble concentrating or making decisions, trouble falling asleep, waking up too early, or sleeping too much

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There are several types of bipolar and related disorders, including bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymia and other types

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Bipolar disorder can start at any age, but usually it's diagnosed in the teenage years or early 20s

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Bipolar disorder can run in families, and there may be several genes involved. Some experts think that emotional, physical, or sexual abuse could be linked to bipolar disorder

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A single stressful event, like the death of a loved one, or ongoing stress, like money worries, could trigger symptoms

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