What Is Oppositional Defiant Disorder
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavioural disorder that involves a pattern of hostile, uncooperative, and defiant behaviour
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ODD also includes being spiteful and seeking revenge, a behaviour called vindictiveness
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These emotional and behavioural issues cause serious problems with family life, social activities, school and work
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Symptoms of ODD generally begin during preschool years. Sometimes ODD may develop later, but almost always before the early teen years
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Oppositional and defiant behaviours are frequent and ongoing
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They cause severe problems with relationships, social activities, school and work, for both the child and the family
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Symptoms can be grouped into three categories: anger and irritability, argumentative and defiant behaviour, and vindictiveness
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ODD is treatable with psychotherapy and parent management training
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