Image: Unsplash

12 March 2024

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the 'Devil's Triangle', is the most notorious stretch of ocean in history

Image: X/@TarasKuzio

Here's what we know (and don't know) about the Bermuda Triangle

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It is a region in North Atlantic Ocean bounded by the southeastern coast of the US, Bermuda, and the islands of the Greater Antilles

Image: X/@TarasKuzio

The exact boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are not universally agreed upon, but the region has a vaguely triangular shape

Image: Unsplash

However, the total area range between 1,300,000 and 3,900,000 square kilometres

Image: Unsplash

The Bermuda Triangle does not appear on any world maps and the US doesn't recognise it as an official region of the Atlantic Ocean

Image: Unsplash

Charles Berlitz popularised the legend of the Bermuda Triangle in his best-selling book The Bermuda Triangle (1974)

Image: X/@dagmawi_belay

But we don't know the exact number of ships and airplanes that have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle

Image: Unsplash

Also, the wreckage of many ships and airplanes reported missing in the region has not been recovered

Image: Unsplash

It is not known whether disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle have been the result of human error or weather phenomena

Image: Unsplash

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