What's The Difference Between Sex And Gender

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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Sex and gender are often used interchangeably, despite having different meanings

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Sex is generally determined at birth according to the baby's chromosomes, gonads, and anatomy

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Sex refers to the physical differences between people who are male, female, or intersex

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Gender is a multi-faceted social system. Gender is largely based on society and culture

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There are some consistencies, but it can be concluded that gender is not predetermined based on sex

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In general terms, sex refers to a person's physical characteristics at birth, and gender encompasses a person's identities, expressions, and societal roles

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A person may identify with a gender that is different from their natal sex or with no gender at all

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The latter identity is often referred to as nonbinary, but this is an umbrella term that covers many identifications

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