When Did Voting Age Change From 21 to 18 in india?

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3 June 2024

India, the world's largest democracy, has undergone significant changes since gaining independence in 1947

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One notable change is the lowering of the voting age from 21 to 18 years

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This change was a critical milestone in India's democratic evolution, aimed at increasing participation among the youth

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The change was brought by the 61st constitutional amendment, which amended the Representation of the People Act, 1950

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According to Election Commission, the change in voting age became effective from March 28, 1989

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The qualifying date means the first day of January of the year in which electoral roll is prepared or revised

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To get registered in the electoral roll, an individual has to submit a filled in Form 6 to the registration officer of a constituency

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According to Election Commission, a person who is not a citizen of India cannot be registered as a voter

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However, non-resident Indian citizens who are employed under government of India are eligible to be registered as voters in a constituency

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