White-Tailed Jackrabbit: The Greatest Land Jumper

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@UtahDNR

White-tailed jackrabbits are known as the greatest land jumpers because they can leap vertically over 20 feet

Image: X/@NatParkTrust

Native to western North America, they can also run up to 45 miles per hour for short bursts

Image: X/@NatParkTrust

They can jump higher than three average-sized men standing on top of each other 

Image: X/@NatParkTrust

They use their powerful hind legs to propel themselves into the air 

Image: X/@NatParkTrust

Also known as the prairie hare and the white jack, they use a zigzag running style to evade predators 

Image: X/@Extrastiv

They have long ears, and have the ability to change colour seasonally, turning white in the winter 

Image: X/@Extrastiv

The jackrabbit's tail is white but occasionally has a dark streak dorsally 

Image: X/@UtahDNR

It is one of the largest rabbits with an average length of up to 26 inches

Image: X/@Elipho2022

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