Whittier: An Entire Town Lives In 1 Building

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Whittier, Alaska, defies typical town layouts, housing its entire population in the 14-story Begich Towers, which includes a police station

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The unique setup stems from Whittier's remote location and harsh weather, historically relying on water access due to inaccessibility by land

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Originally military housing in World War II, the Begich Towers now offer centralized amenities and safety during harsh winters

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Whittier's living arrangement provides a glimpse into a closely knit community, fostering convenience and camaraderie among residents in shared spaces

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Alaskan town Whittier draws thousands of annual visitors, thanks to its family-friendly appeal and proximity to Anchorage, just a 90-minute drive away

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The coastal town's fame extends to hosting the world's largest concentration of tidewater glaciers, attracting nature enthusiasts

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Residents enjoy the convenience of having essential facilities, such as residences, a school, a grocery store, and a clinic, within Begich Towers

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Whittier's strategic location at the head of a narrow fjord historically required water access due to impassable land during winter

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Despite its unconventional living arrangement, Whittier's residents embrace the close proximity of neighbors and shared spaces

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The police station within the Begich Towers adds to the multifunctional nature of Whittier, creating a self-sufficient community within its boundaries

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Image: Reuters 
