Why Car Windshields Have Tiny Black Dots?

Image: Pexels

24 April 2024

Cars are used by thousands across the country for daily commute to office, and to go to other places

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Before starting, you set the rear view mirror, buckle in, start the engine and look out the windshield

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But have you ever wondered what are the tiny black dots on your car's windshield? Read on

Image: X/@Georgi29

Automotive experts say the little black dots, and the black band around its perimetre are there for your safety

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The dots are called frits and are part of the windshield, which itself is a structural component of the car's body

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Richard Reina, who works in the aftermarket sector, told Travel And Leisure that frits are baked onto the surface of the glass

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He said the windshield glass in modern cars is bonded to its frame using a strong and long-lasting urethane adhesive

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These frits are also there for aesthetic purposes, placed and baked in a halftone pattern

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The smaller dots toward the outside allow for a subtle transition to the rest of the glass

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Experts say if you notice the black dots are starting to wear off, it's important to have them replaced as soon as possible

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