Why Do Women Feel Colder Than Men?

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24 April 2024

It is a popular belief that women feel colder than men and prefer a higher indoor temperature

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There are several scientific reasons why males and females feel temperature differently

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On average, men have significantly higher muscle mass and generate more heat. So they lose less body heat than women with lower muscle mass

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Women are typically smaller, meaning they have a relatively higher skin surface-to-volume ratio, causing them to lose heat faster

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Women also have a higher percentage of body fat, which blocks the flow of blood carrying heat to the skin and extremities

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Research has shown that women tend to have a lower skin temperature, particularly on their hands, which may make them feel colder than men

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Women also have a lower metabolism rate, so they tend to produce less heat than men do

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Hormones and menstrual cycles also impact women's body temperature. Women feel colder than usual when they hit the ovulation stage of their cycle

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Several studies have shown that cold temperatures impact women's work performance

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A study in 2019 showed that while women performed better in warmer temperatures, men performed better in colder temperatures

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