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1 April 2024

Sunlight is nature's free and potent healer. The Sun's rays not only illuminate our world but also nurture our bodies and minds

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From boosting mood to fortifying bones, embracing sunlight is essential for vitality and well-being, especially in morning

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Morning sunlight helps us in kickstarting our circadian rhythm, promoting alertness and productivity throughout the day

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The morning Sun is a rich source of Vitamin D, often called the "sunshine vitamin", which is essential for bone health and immune function

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While it's crucial to protect your skin from excessive sunlight to prevent sunburn, moderate morning Sun exposure can actually benefit your skin

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Emerging research suggests that morning sunlight exposure may play a role in body weight regulation

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Sunlight also stimulates the production of immune-boosting white blood cells and enhances the body's ability to combat infections

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Being exposed to morning sunlight reduces symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and may have a positive impact on mental health

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Experts say people should aim for 15-30 minutes of sunlight exposure, preferably in the early hours when the Sun's rays are less intense

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But they should remember to wear sunglasses to shield their eyes from glare

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