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Will Moon Disappear From Night Sky? What Study Says

5 August 2024

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A study by University of Wisconsin-Madison has revealed that the Moon is drifting away from Earth at 3.8 cm per year

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This drift is due to tidal forces generating friction between the Earth and the Moon

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The movement will cause a day on Earth to increase to 25 hours, though this will take 200 million years

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The study shows that 1.4 billion years ago, a day on Earth lasted just over 18 hours

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Researchers were able to reveal the timeline after analysing a rock formation aged 90 million years

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Stephen Meyers, a professor at the university, compared Earth to a spinning figure skater who "slows down as they stretch their arms out"

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The Moon's recession is not a new discovery; it has been known for decades

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However, this study delves deeper into the historical and geological context of this phenomenon

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Scientists have also uncovered billions of years' worth of secrets buried beneath the surface of the Moon

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